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What Survivors Really Want- The first comprehensive survey highlighting victims views  on safety and justice conducted by the Alliance for Safety and Justice (2016).


National Stalking Resource Center- The mission of the Stalking Resource Center is to enhance the ability of professionals, organizations, and systems to effectively respond to stalking.


National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence- The National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence (NCDSV) designs, provides, and customizes training and consultation, influences policy, promotes collaboration and enhances diversity with the goal of ending domestic and sexual violence.


The Family Violence Prevention Fund - FVPF continues to break new ground by reaching new audiences including men and youth, promoting leadership within communities to ensure that violence prevention efforts become self-sustaining, and transforming the way health care providers, police, judges, employers and others address violence.


National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence - Helps professionals who work with victims and perpetrators; law enforcement; criminal justice professionals such as prosecutors, judges and probation officers; health care professionals including emergency response teams, nurses and doctors; domestic violence and sexual assault advocates and service providers; and counselors and social workers. In addition to these professionals, NCDSV also works with local, state and federal agencies; state and national organizations; educators, researchers, faith community leaders, media, community leaders, elected officials, policymakers, and all branches of the military.


National Domestic Violence Hotline - Until the violence stops, the hotline will continue to answer…One Call at a Time. Help is available to callers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Hotline advocates are available for victims and anyone calling on their behalf to provide crisis intervention, safety planning, information and referrals to agencies in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Assistance is available in English and Spanish with access to more than 140 languages through interpreter services.


National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women (VAWnet) - VAWnet is an easily accessible and comprehensive collection of full-text, searchable electronic resources on domestic violence, sexual violence and related issues.


National Resource Center on Domestic Violence - It is the NRCDV’s mission to improve societal and community responses to domestic violence and, ultimately, prevent its occurrence. We provide a wide range of free, comprehensive, and individualized technical assistance, training, and specialized resource materials and projects designed to enhance current intervention and prevention strategies.


National Stalking Resource Center - Provides training, technical assistance, information and support to professionals and victims dealing with issues related to stalking.


Office on Violence Against Women - (OVW) The Violence Against Women Office, now the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) handles legal and policy issues regarding violence against women, coordinated Departmental efforts, provides national and international leadership, receives international visitors interested in learning about the federal government’s role in addressing violence against women, and responds to requests for information regarding violence against women


Praxis International - Praxis International, Inc. is a nonprofit research and training organization that works toward the elimination of violence in the lives of women and children. We work with local, statewide, and national reform initiatives to bridge the gap between what people need and what institutions provide. Since 1996, we have worked with advocacy organizations, intervention agencies, and inter-agency collaborations to create a clear and cooperative agenda for social change in their communities.



Lots of information, research, and fact sheets about violence prevention.

CDC’s Training Professionals in the Primary Prevention of Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence: A Planning Guide



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