What is the Iowa Storytelling Project
The Iowa Storytelling Project aims to share ideas and interventions people have used to prevent violence in their everyday lives. We especially want to share stories that relied on community-based efforts to address violence without traditional support from local authorities or other state social service programs, and instead involved family, friends and community leaders.
Share your story
Did you or someone you know confront a person or situation involving interpersonal violence?
Did family, friends or community leaders take action without relying on traditional resources for help?
Did the violence you confronted stop after you intervened?
Are you a person who has harmed and sought community-based support
for help?
Stories from survivors, witnesses, those who intervened and persons who have harmed are welcome. To here stories that others have shared, click here.
Click here to share your story
With your help, we can prevent domestic violence from happening in the future.
To share your story or request a toolkit, please contact:
Lindsay Pingel, Director of Community Engagement